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Investor FAQs

Investor FAQs

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What does Bandwidth do?
Bandwidth’s mission is to develop and deliver the power to communicate. Bandwidth’s global communications cloud helps enterprises deliver communications experiences through voice calling, texting messaging and emergency services. Bandwidth is the first and only CPaaS provider offering a robust selection of communications APIs built around their own IP voice network.
Where is Bandwidth's corporate headquarters?
Bandwidth’s corporate headquarters is in Raleigh, NC.
When was Bandwidth founded?
Bandwidth was founded in 1999.
Where is the company incorporated?

Bandwidth was incorporated in Delaware in March 2001.

Where is Bandwidth stock listed and what is the ticker symbol?

Bandwidth stock is listed on NASDAQ under the symbol BAND.

When was Bandwidth’s initial public offering (IPO) and what was the price?

Bandwidth went public on November 10, 2017, with the IPO price of $20.00 per share.

Who are Bandwidth’s independent auditors?

Bandwidth’s external auditors are Ernst & Young LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm.

How do I invest in Bandwidth?

Bandwidth’s common stock can be purchased on the open market through any registered broker.

Does Bandwidth pay a cash dividend?

Bandwidth does not currently pay a cash dividend.

Who should I contact with questions about my stock certificate(s)?

Bandwidth does not offer stock certificates.

How can I get historical and other financial documents for Bandwidth?

You can visit the SEC Filings section of our investor relations website.

How do I get added to Bandwidth’s email distribution list?

Please go to the email alerts section of our website.

Who should I contact regarding investor inquiries?

You can reach Bandwidth Investor Relations at or by filling out our contact form.